Bluff Point Coastal Adaptation Planning

In 2015, the City began investigating coastal erosion and inundation along its coastline to meet the requirement of the State Planning Policy No. 2.6 – State Coastal Planning Policy. In 2018, the City's Coastal Hazard Risk Management and Adaptation Plan(CHRMAP) was completed.

The plan identified the southern and northern sections of Kempton Street in Bluff Point as coastal areas at risk of coastal erosion between now and 2030.

As these areas contain City, State Government and community owned assets an investigation into short to medium term (now to 2030) coastal adaptation measures and their implementation is now required.The City has received grant funding from the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage to undertake adaptation planning for Bluff Point and has has partnered with coastal engineering consultants MP Rogers and Associates and 361 Degrees to deliver the project.

Who will be involved?

The project will engage with a wide range of stakeholders including:

  • Land owners within the impacted area (immediate residents, businesses, organisations)
  • Mid West Ports Authority
  • State Government agencies (utilities, environment, roads, education, health)
  • Community groups relevant to the coastal area
  • Sporting/recreational groups who use the area
  • Surrounding schools

How can I get involved?

There will be a number of opportunities to learn about coastal adaptation processes and the considerations for shaping the design and development of coastal adaptation options for Bluff Point.

Opportunity 1: Online Webinar

Opportunity 2: Drop in Information Sessions

Once dates and times are confirmed project stakeholders will be notified.

More Information - Feedback and Questions

If you have any questions regarding the project or would like to provide feedback, please complete our Feedback/Questions Form

You can also contact the City at 9956 6600 or email

This project is funded by the Western Australian Planning Commission through the Coastal Management Plan Assistance Program.