Delivering Community Aspirations
We asked - You said - We're doing...
Knowing and understanding what is important to the community is the first step to creating the place they want to live. Over the past two years, the City undertook its most extensive community engagement process in a decade, in which we asked our community would make Greater Geraldton an even better place. These are some of the things they said...

What does our future community look like?
Our Community's vision for the future is set in 2031, where Greater Geraldton is the home of the regional capital city in Western Australia. Vibrant public places and spaces support our enviable lifestyle. We will be a recognised leader in the protection of our natural environment and our people will thrive and prosper. We will celebrate our cultural heritage and history. We support business growth through industry diversification, education and employment opportunities. As an inclusive community, we will strive for equal rights and access for all. We will face challenges by working together in unity with integrity and creativity. We will achieve this on the foundation of open and collaborative leadership.
Turning the vision into a plan
The City has developed the Greater Geraldton 2031 Strategic Community Plan, the blueprint for turning the community's vision for the future into reality. (Plan Snapshot - download and print to A3)
The Strategic Community Plan outlines in detail what the community values and aspires to and it underpins everything the City will be doing in the next ten years.
The actions the City will take to fulfill the plan are outlined in the four year Corporate Business Plan. View the Corporate Business Plan 2021-2025 Addendum by clicking here.
Linked to this plan is the Annual Budget that contains the list of actions being delivered within a financial year. Monitoring progress on delivery of the plan and reporting what we've successfully completed is listed in the City's Annual Report.

Turning the plan into reality
The diagram below represents how the City will deliver the Strategic Community Plan. The centre represents the vision we are working towards, wrapped around it are the four focus areas that will help achieve the vision and the outer circle highlights the four methods the City will use to deliver on the vision.

What matters most to our community?
The following four focus areas in the plan reflect what matters the most to our community.
- Community: Inclusive, equitable, united
- Economy: Diverse, prosperous, resilient
- Environment: Vibrant, leader, sustainable
- Leadership: Transparent, adaptive, accountable
For more information on community aspirations and the strategies to achieve them click the icons below.
Community decision making criteria
Although the Strategic Community Plan articulates community aspirations and expectations. In order to achieve the vision, the City recognises that the prioritisation of actions must reflect the values and expectations of the community.
Through the community engagement process, the Community Voice Citizen Juries developed the following framework it would like applied to the City’s decision making process.
In using these criteria, the City can determine the best course of action and budget allocation for key decisions that affect future directions. Recognition of the criteria will ensure decisions are made in alignment with community expectations and preferences.

Keeping the community Involved
Although the Strategic Community Plan is now complete, the conversation about what would make Greater Geraldton an even better place doesn't stop.
The City will continue to involve the community in decision making. If you would like to receive notifications regarding opportunities to have your say and engage with the City register here
We will also keep you informed by providing effective communications. Stay connected by either visiting ‘Have your say’ or the page.