Recreation Grounds Sports Lighting Upgrade Project
Works to replace the aged sports lighting at the Recreation Grounds with four new poles featuring 100 lux LED sports lighting started in early December 2024. More here
The new lighting will allow club members to continue to train in the evenings during the summer months when the temperatures are cooler and also enable clubs to continue to host competitions which will enhance the local economy by attracting regional and statewide sporting events to the City.
Greenlite Electrical, a commercial electrical services company with over 25 years of experience, is delivering the project estimated to be completed in March 2025.
The $623,540 project has received $191,180 in State Government funding through the Department of Local Government, Sports and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) Club Night Light Program Grant.

Image: Foundation for new lighting tower, which will replace the aged one in the background, nearing completion.