Journey to Meru Checklist

Before you leave home…

Separate your items and materials when loading your vehicle

Make sure your unwanted items such as old furniture, old tyres and materials such as garden clippings are separated from each other so they can be easily and quickly dropped off at the individual collection areas. Weighbridge staff will be checking your load to ensure it is separated. Be prepared to untarp before or at the weighbridge and re-secure your load before proceeding.

Wear enclosed shoes

To ensure your own safety and well-being we strongly recommend you wear enclosed shoes when visiting the Resource Recovery Station.

Leave pets and animals at home

To ensure the safety of your pet and other visitors to the facility please leave your pets/animals at home.

Consider leaving children at home

Heavy plant and equipment will be in use at the Resource Recovery Station and with multiple collection areas there could be considerable traffic at the facility.  If your young children can’t stay at home, they are to remain in your vehicle at all times to ensure their safety.

Before you arrive at the weigh bridge

Drop off items or materials in good condition at the Bowerbird

Many items and materials in good condition could be potentially rehomed or reused rather than thrown away. Stop by the Bowerbird, located conveniently before the weighbridge, to see if any of your items and materials are suitable for this service. The Bowerbird is open from:

Winter Hours 9am-3pm on Wednesday to Sunday.

Summer Hours 8.30am-2.30pm on Wednesday to Sunday.

Familiarise yourself with the layout of the Resource Recovery Station

Review the facility map below and make note of where the collection areas are located for the items and materials you will be dropping off. This will save having to back track to the collection areas you may have missed. If you do need to back track it is a simple one-way loop you can easily re-enter. Please note collection zones may be subject to change.  Please follow signage.

If you have items that aren’t collected at the facility, weighbridge staff will let you know where these items can be dropped off.

Resource Recovery Station Map

*Please note collection zones may be subject to change.  Please follow signage.

When you get there

Read the signs

Some collection areas may be temporarily closed or have changed locations. Be sure to read the signs to ensure you drop off your items and materials at the correct collection area.

Park safely

Make sure you park your vehicle in the parking lane at the bulk collections areas. This will ensure your safety and enable others to access the facility.

Be patient

The Resource Recovery Station is new and everyone will need time to familiarise themselves with how it works, especially when vehicles are backing into general items collection areas. Allow extra time for your trip so you aren’t in a rush.

Before you go

Pick up some free mulch

If you have a garden or yard, consider using your return trip home to take some free mulch with you. It will save you time, fuel and the hassle if you’ve borrowed or rented a trailer. The Cleanaway Operators will load mulch for you.

Mens shoes trailer with tarp mulch