26 November 2019 *Agenda Forum MONDAY 18 November 2019*

Tuesday, November 26, 2019 - 12:00 AM

The Agenda Forum for this meeting will be held at 5.00pm Monday 18 November 2019, in Council Chambers, 63 Cathedral Avenue, Geraldton.

The Council Meeting will be held at 5.00pm Tuesday 26 November 2019, in Council Chambers, 63 Cathedral Avenue, Geraldton.

Members of the public are welcome to attend.

Questions to Council

If you propose to put a question to Council you are requested to submit them in writing providing your contact details and address prior to the Council Meeting. Please visit the City’s website at www.cgg.wa.gov.au/your-council/council/council-meetings/questions-from-the-public, for the procedure of Public Question Time which includes a submission form for questions.

Please Note: Members of the public must be in attendance at the Council Meeting to which they have submitted a question(s) for response. If this is not the case the question(s) will be treated as 'normal business correspondence' and the question / response will not appear in the Council Minutes.

If you are sending questions via e-mail they are to be submitted by 12 noon the day prior to the meeting to receive a written response.

Questions submitted after 12 noon on the day prior to the meeting, a written response may be provided at the discretion of the presiding member.

A member of the public may ask questions without notice at a meeting, provided they present a written copy of their questions to Council prior to the commencement of the meeting.

Please send your question to the Chief Executive Officer, 91¹ú²ú×ÔÅÄ, PO Box 101, Geraldton WA 6531, or to council@cgg.wa.gov.au with the title: “Questions to Council – 26 November 2019”


Minutes ORDINARY Meeting of Council 26 November 2019 (1.52 MB)


ORDINARY Meeting of Council Agenda 26 November 2019 (1.33 MB)


DCS427A Attachment Spalding Precinct Plan (8.71 MB)

DCS427B Attachment Schedule of Submissions (333.45 KB)

DCS429A Attachment Council Policy DRAFT 1.3 Heritage Version 3 (326.21 KB)

DCS429B Attachment Council Policy 1.3 Heritage Comparison Table (596.98 KB)

DCS431 Attachment Road Widening Plan DP 411385 (237.58 KB)

CCS450 Attachment Deliberative Democracy 2019 Councillor Project Brief (1.02 MB)

CCS453A Attachment Letter Requesting Donation (338.31 KB)

CCS453B Attachment CCS371 Previous Council Item Request for Donation GGRC (402.24 KB)

CCS453C Attachment CCS446 Previous Council Item Request for Donation GH and C (682.00 KB)

CCS454 Attachment Monthly Management Report for period ended 31 October 2019 (1.92 MB)

IS200A Attachment DRAFT Council Policy 32 Coastal Adaptation (358.91 KB)

CEO057 Attachment Call for Nominations Australian Coastal Councils Association (485.92 KB)

CEO058 - Attachment - Extract of Committee Book 2017-19 – Terms of reference – Council Committees (441.50 KB)

CEO059 - Attachment - Extract of Committee Book 2017-19 – Terms of reference - External (395.02 KB)

DCSDD152 Report Delegated Determinations and Subdivision Applications for Planning Approval (136.14 KB)

20 CCS455 Report Corporate Business Plan Quarter One Reporting 2019-20 (678.88 KB)

NM10 Response from Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions (429.93 KB)

NM11 Draft Council Policy 4.16 Fracking (797.07 KB)