Commercial Waste

Contaminated Waste (Class I, Class II, Class III)

Contaminated waste disposal at Meru is managed in line with the DWER licensing and regulatory requirements. Before any waste can be received at the landfill, it must be assessed and classified.

The price for disposing contaminated waste will be confirmed upon application assessment.

A waste disposal application form must be completed and submitted to the City with relevant supporting documents for assessment.

For advice and assistance please review the or call  99566600 or email

If you have all the supporting documents and would like to apply for a contaminated waste approval, please complete the commercial contaminated waste application form

Once an application has been assessed as acceptable for disposal, a waste approval and booking number will be issued.

Meru Landfill

  • 2023/24 fees and charges here
  • 2024/25 Fees and charges come into effect on 1 July 2024. 2024/25 fees and charges here
  • Safety

Rubbish Collection Service

The City provides a commercial waste service on request. Please email the City: 

The following bins are available:

  • 240 litres
rubbish bins